May 5 – 7, 2021
TECHNICAL SUPPORT:  Please contact
DAY 1 – Wednesday, May 5, 2021:
 6:00 PM                    An Introduction to Diversity and Inclusion     (Click HERE for Presentation)
                                            David Mancari, MBA, SHRM-SCP     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                Director, HR Business Partners/Chair, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
                                                Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall
                                            Dan Bengyak, JD     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                VP, Administrative Services
                                                Montefiore St. Luke’s Cornwall
 7:00 PM                    Social & Networking Event
DAY 2 – Thursday, May 6, 2021:
 8:45 AM                    Welcome and Opening Remarks
                                            Mark Hirschhorn, CPCS, NYSAMSS President
 9:00 AM                    Joint Commission Updates     (Click HERE for Presentation)
                                            Laurel McCourt, MD, CJCP     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                 Joint Commission Resources
11:00 AM                    The Ying and Yang, Inspiration and Motivation and Buckle Up Buttercup     (Click HERE for Presentation)
                                             Jeanne M. Rowe, MD, FACP     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                 Chief Medical Officer, Shore Medical Center
12:30 PM                   Lunch Break
 1:30 PM                    Hiding in Plain Sight   (Presentation pending)     (Presentation will be available post-conference)
                                            Erin Mullenberg, JD     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                NAMSS Education Committee Chair, Attorney Polsinelli
 2:30 PM                    Meditation – Refresh and Recharge
                                            Claudia Zurlini
                                                Senior Coordinator, Public & Patient Education, Hospital for Special Surgery
 2:45 PM                     Break
 3:00 PM                    Communication and Team Building     (Click HERE for Presentation)
                                            Bob Cooper     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                RL Cooper Associates
 4:00 PM                    To Report to the Data Bank or Not:  That is the Question!     (Click HERE for Presentation)
                                            Michael Callahan, Esq.     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                Sr. Partner, Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP
 5:00 PM                    Closing Remarks
                                             Mark Hirschhorn, CPCS, NYSAMSS President
DAY 3 – Friday, May 7, 2021:
 8:30 AM                    NYSAMSS Annual Business Meeting     (Click HERE for Agenda/Reports)
                                            Mark Hirschhorn, CPCS, NYSAMSS President
 9:00 AM                    NAMSS Update      (Click HERE for Presentation)
                                            Diana K. “Di” Hall, CPCS, CPMSM, FMSP     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                NAMSS Director-at-Large
10:00 AM                    Leadership and Managing Change in a Virtual Environment     (Click HERE for presentation)
                                             Bob Cooper     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                 RL Cooper Associates
11:00 AM                   Meditation – Refresh and Recharge
                                                Mali McConnell
                                                     Office Manager/Wellness Coordinator, andros
11:15 AM                    Physician Health:  COVID, Burnout and Impairment     (Click HERE for Presentation)
                                             Terrance Bedient, FACHE     (Click HERE for Bio)
                                                 VP/Director MSSNY, NYS Committee for Physician Health
12:30 PM                  Closing Remarks
                                                Mark Hirschhorn, CPCS, NYSAMSS President
NAMSS CEU’s:  Total Approved – 12 CEU’s  (Wednesday:  1 CEU, Thursday:  7 CEU’s, and Friday:  4 CEU’s)
          – andros*
          – Hardenbergh Group
          – MDReview
          – MD-Staff
          – MSSNY
          – SkillSurvey 
                                                             Member       Non-Member
                          Both Days:                   $250                $350
                          Thursday Only:            $150                $200
                           Friday Only:                $100                $150
       A $25 cancellation fee per individual will be charged if registration is can­celed less than one (1) week prior to the program.  No cancellations will be accepted on the day of the program.  Substitutions will be accepted.
       To download a paper brochure with registration form, CLICK HERE.
                         Mail registration form and check to:
                                 789 Pre-Emption Road #300
                                 Geneva, NY  14456
       To register on-line with credit card, CLICK HERE.       (NOTE:  Problems registering when utilizing FireFox and Internet Explorer have been reported.  It is recommended that you use Chrome for best results.)
REGISTRATION DUE DATE:  Monday, May 3, 2021
All registrations will be verified by confirmation letter.  If confirmation has not been received prior to the Conference, please call 315-787-4170 or e-mail .
Topics, speakers and times may be subject to change without prior notice.
Photographs may be taken during the Conference and may appear on Social Media.  By registering for the Conference, permission to use the registrant’s photograph is given.
The content and opinions expressed by the speakers are not necessarily those of the New York State Association of Medical Staff Services.